Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reflect Yourself Visually


This logo shows creativity, and proficiency. The use of colors prevents this logo from being bland and the lines that create the image are enticing. The sans serif font is easy to read and wraps neatly and attractively around the logo image.

The creative, stamp-like, or rather, Reese's cup shape of the outer edge of this logo immediately brings the mind to something sweet and delicious and triggering a "good memory" perhaps with the signature candy it resembles. The creativity used with the hand and the infinity symbol brings two unlikely objects together and creates a visually attractive image. The earth tone colors make it easy to look at, and flow cohesively together. The use of serif fonts are excellent, creating a bolder and stronger aspect to this logo, against all of its other subtle elements. This logo definitely fits into the usability criteria.

This logo is creatively beautiful. Rich and bold colors are soothing and appealing to the eye. Using the sun as the main bold color element emphasizes the "Sun" aspect in the company name. There are so many different ways to travel, and what makes this logo so creative is the use of an image of a man traveling by camel; a way of transportation that most people wouldn't ideally think of using. This logo is above well above functionality.

The Outdoor Adventure Club's clearly indicates the type of company they are, simply by only using mountains within their logo. It's not as creative as others, and could use a little work. Its definitely functional, simple, and attractive. Using white against navy works well, keeping an outdoorsy, earthy feel to the overall logo.

This logo is very creative, uses a lot of detail, and demonstrates high proficiency. Although the logo is designed mostly of simple lines, they are used so well to convey who they are as a company. The use of different fonts adds even more detail. This is a very well designed logo.

As for my logo...

I am very much inspired by the last logo of my logo-critique series. I am using simple lines which will add detail, as well as a sans serif font to keep cohesion among the use of the lines. I decided to go with a more outdoorsy feel because thats who I am, but I am incorporating that within my company, which is Graphic Design. I've illustrated the sun and the moon, showing that my company will work around the clock in order to get things done for our clients. I've used double mountains/triangles to signify that each piece of work is like climbing a mountain, there are many steps involved in order to achieve the success of the work.

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